What do we expect from newsrooms in their coverage of this story and of police violence?
Last month, Chicago police officer Eric Stillman shot and killed 13-year-old Adam Toledo in Little Village, where he lived and attended Gary Elementary. Since then, the story has saturated the news—especially after the release of body cam footage contradicting initial claims by the Mayor’s Office and the Chicago Police Department that Toledo had been armed.
At this week’s Public Newsroom, we’ll unpack the emerging narratives surrounding this recent case of police brutality, taking a close look at who gets to tell this story and what they stand to gain from their telling. We’re joined by local journalists who’ll share how they are navigating the issue and identify the responsibilities media outlets shoulder when reporting this story. With your help, we’ll discuss: What do we expect from newsrooms in their coverage of this story and of police violence? How can reporting on this issue best serve those most affected by it and hold those in power accountable? Tune in to shape our editorial guidelines and learn what you can do when stories are misreported.
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