Notes, tweets and worksheets on envisioning a thriving media landscape, from City Bureau’s Public Newsroom #33.
By Darryl Holliday
Blanca Rios, Sheila Solomon, Scott Smith and Darryl Holliday
First things first, if you missed our Thursday, August 31, Public Newsroom, you can now listen in each week via our audio livestream (Public Newsroom Radio, anyone?). Join us live on the digital airwaves or bookmark this page for later listening:
Last night’s workshop was a long time in the making. Our invitation to the public went like this:
Chicago media is in a moment of transition. The Chicago Sun-Times is under new ownership, local nonprofit and community news outlets are working for change on the ground as national outlets move to the city, and foundations are seeking to stabilize a fractured media ecosystem.
At City Bureau, we believe a thriving media ecosystem is key to an informed citizenry, but solutions to our collective challenges will require diverse voices, ideas and input. #PublicNewsroom #33 is one of many places where this conversation will take place.
And it did. Nearly 50 journalists, editors, community members, students and freelancers stopped by our South Side newsroom to hear Sheila Solomon (Rivet Radio, Democracy Fund, formerly of the Chicago Tribune), Scott Smith (Digital and Social Strategist, formerly of Touchvision) and Blanca Rios (ABC7 and NAHJ Chicago chapter president) discuss sustainable media models, newsroom diversity and Chicago’s local media ecosystem.
As always, we kicked the night off by having our audience introduce themselves and tell the crowd why they came from across the city to spend time at our space. This portion of the night takes a minute but, honestly, it’s worth every second—it breaks the ice and puts audience members on the same plane as panelists. (Not to mention, it allows attendees to more easily identify connections between each other, and, if they choose, to share contact information after the event.)
We eventually got down to business.
I started by posing a general question to the panel to get our collective creative thoughts flowing: “When you think of media models that Chicago needs to thrive, where do your thoughts go?”
Meanwhile, City Bureau’s lead editor Bettina Chang started a thread that you can follow here:
Here we go! Tonight’s topic: the media ecosystem in Chicago. Where is it going? Where should it go? Join the convo #PublicNewsroom
— City Bureau (@city_bureau) August 31, 2017
I can’t thank our panelists enough for their readiness to go in on the issues—and our audience for sharing so many questions and insights throughout the conversation.
The first eye-opening moment came via a question from Rivet Radio’s Sheila Solomon:
Q for audience: “Do you see yourself represented in 2 main papers in Chicago?” -just a few hands raised, & 1 q back: what is representation?
— City Bureau (@city_bureau) August 31, 2017
The response was telling. Of a diverse group of ~50 people in the room, less than a handful raised their hands when asked if they feel represented in the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. It’s a point Blanca Rios raised not just in terms of audience, but also in the highest levels of newsroom staffing:
.@Brios7: Diversity is tucked away in entry-level jobs. POC need to be in leadership and interviewees #PublicNewsroom
— City Bureau (@city_bureau) September 1, 2017
While alarming, this isn’t news on the South Side of Chicago. In many ways, City Bureau was founded as an infrastructural and solutions-based response to this core issue which, to us, involves a few key points: 1) a lack of community trust in media, 2) a lack of equitable reporting on the part of news outlets, and 3) a traditional gate-keeper approach that doesn’t acknowledge the boons of providing direct services around information and engagement.
"The idea is to create something that mirrors what the community needs." @ourmaninchicago speaking on media models at the #publicnewsroom
— Andrea Faye Hart (@lenifaye) August 31, 2017
At the same time, our panelists agreed that an insistence on labeling Chicago a “two-paper town” is flawed in itself. It doesn’t reflect the many community, ethnic and alternative presses that currently exist on Chicago’s media landscape:
Some folks in the audience agreed:
Stop referring to Chicago as a 2 newspaper town! #PublicNewsroom #BuildCoffee
— Bridget Vaughn (@bridget_vaughn) August 31, 2017
While Public Newsroom #33 tackled issues of resource distribution for existing and incoming nonprofit news outlets via foundation support, we kept coming back to public support as a means of decreasing reliance on “power” and special interests:
How do you get community buy in, literally, to help pay for news #publicnewsroom @city_bureau
— Barbara Iverson (@drbarb) August 31, 2017
Our panelists and audience had clearly spent time thinking on this:
Need a mix of income sources says Scott Smith. Learn business #publicnewsroom @city_bureau
— Barbara Iverson (@drbarb) August 31, 2017
Policy and a Pint in MN another example of public forums to engage and generate revenue #publicnewsroom @city_bureau
— Anna Hazard (@annalizhaz) September 1, 2017
That is The Thing. Can journalism be a public good? Nonprofit models are predicated on that premise but clearly it's niche #PublicNewsroom
— Martha Bayne (@marthabayne) September 1, 2017
As we’ve noted in past blogs and events, this last point is in many ways the question that launched City Bureau:
This, w/ some semantic tweaks, is the q that started @City_Bureau. But instead of money/data/time, we asked for *trust*—the rest comes after
— Bettina Chang (@bechang8) September 1, 2017
While we value our expert panelists for their insight, experience and time spent with our team, my personal favorite portion of each #PublicNewsroom event is the workshop. For this event, we had our panelists join the audience for small-group discussions.
This included filling out a worksheet, which serves two functions: 1) to help attendees explore their media consumption habits and and how that connects with their daily lives, 2) to provide us with vital data and information that helps us refine our work and events.
As always, we saved time at the end of the night for each group to share out their discussions to the full group for further reflection:
#PublicNewsroom discussion/feedback: Attendees say accessibility is most impt for news/info. What’s easy/convenient to access?
— City Bureau (@city_bureau) September 1, 2017
Overall, feedback from Public Newsroom #33 was earnest and affirming—City Bureau Community Engagement Director Andrea Faye Hart may have summed it up best:
In case you were wondering a lot of people care about Chicago's local media. Can't wait to see what ppl wrote down at the #PublicNewsroom:
— Andrea Faye Hart (@lenifaye) September 1, 2017
Some last housekeeping notes:
To follow our reporting and engagement efforts, join our twice-a-month newsletter for updates. Reporting and free community-based events like this is brought to you by a staff of experienced and emerging local journalists working collaboratively to share skills, stories and information in your community.
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