Viewing entries tagged

‘Nada será igual’

Los organizadores de la coalición ‘Stop General Iron’, hablan sobre la sanación y su visión para el sureste de la ciudad.

Solidarity Beyond Borders

Nancy Bartekian co-founded a local anti-colonial, anti-borders youth collective, SWANA Chicago (SouthWest Asia and North Afrika), that wants to decolonize language, hearts and minds.

Artist, Abolitionist, Healer

Alycia Kamil cultivates joy, fights external pressures and burnout as she organizes and heals Black Chicago youth.

'An Act of Love’

Tayo Mbande and conspirators made Love Packages to support Black parents as a supreme labor of love and a lesson in equity.

A Brave Space for Healing

LaSaia Wade is building a home for the South Side’s trans and gender non-conforming community, where everyone can be their authentic self.

Putting Paint to Plywood

Dorian Sylvain and her sons heal the ‘open wounds’ of disinvestment with their art.