Community Benefits Agreement Zine Title Image - Illustration of a community marching with a list of demands.

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Don’t just inform, don’t just engage — equip people to generate power. That has been a maxim for City Bureau since 2019 and is the belief that has led us to create resources like the CBA Zine and the After the Trial Zine before it.

Projects like these go beyond informing our communities, and focus instead on equipping community members with resources they need to build power and shape their communities from the ground up.

If you believe, like we do, that everyone should have equitable access to the levers of power, then please consider making a contribution today to make projects like this one possible.

City Bureau’s vision of a more effective, equitable and trustworthy journalism only becomes real if people like you think it’s worth investing in. By donating, you’re not just supporting our work, you’re becoming part of it.

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